How To Make Sure Your Child Is Ready For His Or Her Own Phone

Posted on: 19 September 2017


Does your young son or daughter continuously ask you if he or she can have a cell phone? You probably are hearing words like But, Mom and Dad, everyone has one! I have to have my own phone! I'll just die if I don't get my own cell phone! Please, please, please! Well, it's actually not true that everyone in your child's group has his or her own phone because your child, for one, doesn't have one! Still, if you're considering getting your child his or her own cell phone, from checking out dependability and buying a cell phone screen protector, here are some things you can do to make sure your child is ready for his or her own phone.

​Check Out The Responsibility Factor - It's probably a given that it's not always that inexpensive to have a cell phone. Besides the initial cost of buying a good phone, there's the monthly maintenance to consider, too. So, you might want to ask yourself the question, Is my child responsible enough to have a cell phone of his own or her own?

  • Think about whether your child takes care of his or her belongings in an appropriate way. If he or she does take care of his or her own things, that's a great indicator that he or she would also take care of a cell phone.
  • Does your child frequently lose things? If so, that's definitely not a good sign. Of course, most people lose things every now and then, but if your child continuously does that, consider it a not-so-great sign.
  • Is your child consistent about completing school assignments and then turning them in? The answer to that question might help you to determine whether he or she is ready for a cell phone.

Precautions To Take - When you have decided that your child is now ready to own his or own cell phone, there are still precautions to take.

  • Probably the very first thing on your to-do list regarding your child's cell phone is to buy a great phone screen protector. The money you spend on one will pay for itself in the event your child does something like drop his or her phone.
  • While the screen protector doesn't guarantee that there will never be damage to your child's phone, it will definitely give a great deal of protection.
  • If you do decide to purchase a cell phone protector, get one that matches your child's personality. For example, if you have a girly-girl, buy her something like a pink polka dotted  screen protector.  

Remember to be an example to your phone regarding cell phone use. For example, don't bring your own cell phone to the dinner table so you can have quality visiting time.